A few words about us
Like everyone else in America, we watched in horror the deadly shooting tragedy of the Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown Connecticut in 2012. And then, only a few months later, the deadly EF5 Tornado that hit the Plaza Towers Elementary School in Moore Oklahoma. After seeing these crisis events and saying “somebody ought to do something,” we realized that we are “somebody”. We felt confident that we and our associates were uniquely capable to create a solution to these horrific tragedies and became seriously involved, invested, and dedicated to creating a real and viable solution to protect kids in schools from these horrible crisis events that aren’t slowing down.
We feel this is a noble effort that everyone will agree is worth it to do “Whatever It Takes” (our motto). We seek to protect innocent school kids from all of the very real threats that face them in school… the worst of natural disasters and the worst of mankind (tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and active shooters). We created our extraordinarily capable small Ballistic Storm Shelter Safe Rooms that are designed to fit into any location and erected onsite in every classroom and in all other locations throughout schools, allowing every student & staff member to be inside one of our Safe Room Shelters within seconds.
“Seconds to Safety” is what it is all about. During real crisis events the time it takes to get to real protection is the difference between life and death. No child in Sandy Hook or in Plaza Towers, or so many other crisis events would have died if they had a small multi-propose (also serving as a little nook reading/quiet/tutoring room) bullet proof/storm proof shelter sitting only a few feet away from their desks in the corner of their classroom or gymnasium or cafeteria. They would literally be only seconds from safety regardless of where they are during their day at school. It is important that not only do these shelters provide lifesaving protection during crisis events, but they also provide emotional peace of mind every day for kids, parents, teachers, administrators, first responders, and all involved.
Our Shelter-In-Place group/team consists of hundreds of different highly skilled professionals located from California to Florida, and a number of valuable partners including Triple-S Steel, PDM Steel, Vector Engineering, and others.
In summary, we feel deeply concerned, seriously committed, and honored to have this privilege and unique opportunity of creating & installing these lifesaving shelters in schools, which are created by 100% American workers with 100% American steel.
Photo: Jim Haslem (CEO of Shelter-In-Place) with the parents of lost Children from Plaza Towers Elementary and Sandy Hook Elementary.